Monday, February 17, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hobbies for mommies!!

I have found myself with some time to spear in between my baby's naps. You would think I'll be napping as well, but the truth is that I can't sleep during the day. So, what do I do? Besides looking for ways to help income not to stop coming in (which is no hobby but a necessity), I take pictures and read, and lately, the last one is like a lot! From baby develop to romance novelties. Is it bad to find
a hobby other than make you baby smile??? I don't think so, it gives me time to stop thinking about problems that we all have, and a break from routine.

Here somethings I particularly like, don't do all of them, but some are very relaxing and fulfilling :
  • Read (Wattpad is a good application)
  • Crafts
  • Play with my baby and dogs
  • Painting
  • Sports, specially Volleyball
  • Exercise, yoga will bring you to a relaxing mode, very difficult to achieve with an infant, but u can make time in between naps.
  • Photography (Nature and people are my favorites)
 Among others, it depends on what u like to do.

The truth is, there are so many things u can do to make u life a lil bit happier. Chores and diappers and all resposibilities that comes to keep a household clean and debt free just give u headaches, and a distraction makes it easy to go away, at least for a couple of minutes.