Friday, March 8, 2019

Hello ppol, it has been a While!!

Well, it is refreshing to start a new post after so many years. A lot had happened since my last post in 2015:
  • Obama is out and Trump is in (with all the drama that came along with it).
  • Massive murders in clubs, concerts, schools, train stations ( these are very sad events that left a bitter taste on all of us and wondering about what's missing on our society).
  • Venezuelan dictator, Nicolas Maduro, refuses to give their people what they need: food, medicine and freedom.
  • One direction went into different directions.
  • Korean boys BTS is the new it musical group 
  • Trends coming in and out.
  • Iphones being changed like if is underwear.
  • Amazon and Uber taking over the whole nation.
  • Cardi B becoming a "role model" for our youth.

So much that it is impossible to mention, right? The only thing I'm certain is that, for those that were, or became parents, the roller coaster is really bumpy and full of curves.

I'll give me, my husband and my 5 years old as an example. I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday, so little and fragile in my arms.Throughout the years, she has grown into a young, sassy, fashionable, dance and gym lover lil girl who is into Ryan (¿the one that reviews toys?) and electronics.

Every day she comes home with so many stories about her adventures at school: How the school checked everyone for lice, her tooth being loose, that mean boy that keeps bothering her and why she can't yell back at him, the stomach virus that makes her throw up...  ¿Did I mentioned that she already asked about boys and girls having different private parts? You can not help it but to laugh (inside laugh so you don't hurt her feelings) and look in your brain for a logic explanation of all of these new events and curiosity in her life. But as challenging as it is, we are loving every second of it and trying to provide the best advices and guidance we can in an era when pao pao, spank and time out is consider child abuse, or defending yourself is bullying (God help us parents).

This post is, hopefully, the beginning of many more. I'm sharing some fun pictures of my daughter  fast forwarding this last 3 years. And if you want to see more of her ¿Guess what? You can follow her on instagram and Facebook: @lilmallythings.

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